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Why Viewers on Youtube don't Subscribe

By: Armando Gonzalez-Ortiz

If you're a Youtuber video creator and have a successful channel then why do most channels have a high percentage of viewers that aren�t subscribed to their channel. Most channels on Youtube have from 80% up to 95% of viewers that haven�t subscribed to a particular channel. Why not, because there�re a lot of reasons that come into this panorama and I will try to explain some of them here with you. Let�s start with the first reason. To be able to subscribe to any Youtube channel you have to have a google account, yes a Gmail or e-mail address from Google.com. If not you have to create one then you�ll be able to proceed and subscribe to any channel on Youtube.com.

Remember to download the Youtube Application on your mobile device, tablet or computer. If you are using the internet browser on one of your devices you will be asked to log into your google account first and then you will be able to subscribe. This is one of the main reasons that viewers on Youtube don�t subscribe and prefer to watch videos instead of subscribing to a particular channel. Maybe it�s lazyness on their part or maybe it takes too much time for them to go through the process, who knows.

Now lets talk about another reason that viewers don�t subscribe to a youtube channel. A second reason is interest. Yes, if a viewer doesn�t find the thumbnail or the video content to his interest he or she will likely Not Subscribe to the channel being watched. Creators have to plan out their strategy on how to attract viewers. Some creators call this as finding a �niche�, which means finding something of interest that you think everyone will like and be interested in watching. A very hard problem to solve. Later on I'll be a bit more specific on this topic. Now let�s get into things like how to make thumbnails and what application I use for this purpose. Keep in mind that our main goal is to get viewers to subscribe to your youtube channel. So, making a great thumbnail will be a way for a viewer to feel attracted to it and click on it to see what the video is about. That happens even though they have not read the title of your video, isn�t that strange? Yes, your mind see�s a thumbnail and it doesn�t have to analyze the title to make you click on it. So making a good thumbnail is very important.

The app that I'm using is IMovie and it's free to use. I recomend that you lookup several videos on youtube.com on how to use IMovie and practice with it before creating your own videos. That way you will get some experience and errors will be miniminized. Good Luck.

Now let's get to the third reason on why viewers don't subscribe to a youtube channel. You as a creator of content have to "metion call to action" on your videos or have it written on text in your videos. This is the part that to ask viewers to Like, Subscribe, Share and to click on the bell so Youtube can notify you when a new video comes out. A fourth reason is that creators don't get to the point quickly on what they are trying achieve on their videos so viewers usually ge bored and click away or sometimes they unsubscribe. Remember always to make interesting content and be your self and viewers will follow.

Sol O-Sombra, Channel
( Click on image to go to Sol O-Sombra )

Let's get a channel to analyze: Sol O-Sombra

This channel has a Watch time/Lifetime result of: 84.275% viewers that are not subscribed to the channel and 6.441% that are subscribed to the channel as of july 2021 (see image). Now what do you think is happening to this channel?

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Remember if you live anywhere in the World.

You need a GMail account to be able to Subscribe to a
Youtube Channel

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